The Baiz group officially welcomes Cong Xu as a graduate student. Welcome Cong!
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Congrats to Dr. Flanagan!
Last week, Jenny successfully defended over Zoom! She will be moving to Ann Arbor, Michigan to join the Veatch Lab at the University of Michigan as a postdoc. Congratulations to Dr. Flanagan on a job well done!
Welcome Euihyun!
We recently welcomed Euihyun Lee to the group as a new post doc! He graduated with his Ph.D. from the Cho group earlier this year. Welcome to the group, Euihyun!
Carlos is named a 2020 Cottrell Scholar!
Earlier this week, Carlos was named a 2020 Cottrell Scholar by the RCSA! His proposal is titled Molecular Dynamics at Heterogeneous Oil-Water Interfaces and a New Approach to Addressing the Mental Health Needs of Graduate Students. Congratulations to Carlos!
Collin joins the group!
Earlier this semester we welcomed Collin Andrews to the group as a new first year graduate student. Welcome Collin!
Welcome Joe to the group!
Earlier this semester, we welcomed Joe Shirley to the group as a new graduate student. Welcome to the team, Joe!
Welcome Reena!
Reena Al-Mualem joins the group as a first year graduate student! Welcome Reena!
Paul joins the group!
Paul Garrett has joined the group as a first year graduate student. Welcome, Paul!
Welcome, Sherry!
We officially welcome our new postdoc Sherry to the group! She will be working with Matt on the macromolecular crowding project. Welcome, Sherry!